Discover Your Candidate

Find out who the best candidate is for you in less than 10 minutes

What we Do

SmarterVote is an intelligent platform to educate voters and help organizations understand them. Now it’s easier than ever to find the candidate who aligns with your ideas and values. With our comprehensive Matchmaking Tool, you can find out who the best candidate is for you in less than 10  minutes..

SmarterVote is quick, easy-to-use, and extremely effective

Works on with best experience

Fast And Convenient

Now you can find out exactly which candidates line up with your values in less than 10 minutes. Our political matchmaking tool takes all of the guesswork out of the process.

When it comes to information, we strive to keep things organized and easy to access. We’ve worked hard so that everyone can find the answers they need without having to wade through an endless amount of articles or newsbytes.

Top Features about the app

When it comes to information, we strive to keep things organized and easy to access. We’ve worked hard so that everyone can find the answers they need without having to wade through an endless amount of articles or newsbytes.


SmarterVote is an intelligent platform to educate voters and help organizations understand them.

Material Design

SmarterVote is an intelligent platform to educate voters and help organizations understand them.


SmarterVote is an intelligent platform to educate voters and help organizations understand them.

Easy Customisable

SmarterVote is an intelligent platform to educate voters and help organizations understand them.

A Walk Through About How to use the app

When it comes to information, we strive to keep things organized and easy to access. We’ve worked hard so that everyone can find the answers they need without having to wade through an endless amount of articles or newsbytes.

Mobile Ver

Our Application is also available for the desktop

When it comes to information, we strive to keep things organized and easy to access. We’ve worked hard so that everyone can find the answers they need without having to wade through an endless amount of articles or newsbytes.

Stay connected to us for more details

When it comes to information, we strive to keep things organized and easy to access. We’ve worked hard so that everyone can find the answers they need without having .

Watch our video:
SmarterVote Animation


SmarterVote started out as a vision. The idea was simple: we wanted to create a free resource that's easy to use and gives the public clear and accurate information about the issues that they are most interested in.

We started our service during the last election, based on the overwhelming response we received from voters all over the country—we realized that we were at the beginning of something incredibly unique and powerful.

Recently, we've teamed up with 1776 to help us grow SmarterVote and bring you the incredible, non-partisan political resource that you deserve.


Jennifer Newman, Fairfax, VA

"SmarterVote makes it easy to get the facts about the things I think are critical issues. I don’t have time to wade through all of the info that’s " more

Scott Williamson, Southlake, TX

"I like that I have the option to share my SmarterVote results with my Facebook friends. It’s a great way to spread a message that I’m making my vo" more

Karen Fox, Los Angeles, CA

"It used to be a hassle to try to keep up with local elections. Now it’s simple." more

Overall top 3 candidates

Joe Biden

76 %

Donald Trump

66 %